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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevx.c */
- /* X Windows driver for Ghostscript library */
- /* The X include files include <sys/types.h>, which, on some machines */
- /* at least, define uint, ushort, and ulong, which std.h also defines. */
- /* std.h has taken care of this. */
- #include "gx.h" /* for gx_bitmap; includes std.h */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "x_.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gsprops.h"
- #include "gsutil.h" /* for props_extract */
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gdevx.h"
- /* Define the maximum size of the temporary pixmap for copy_mono */
- /* that we are willing to leave lying around in the server */
- /* between uses. (Assume 32-bit ints here!) */
- private int max_temp_pixmap = 20000;
- /* Forward references */
- private int set_tile(P2(gx_device *, const gx_bitmap *));
- private void free_cp(P1(gx_device *));
- /* Screen updating machinery */
- #define update_init(dev)\
- ((gx_device_X *)(dev))->up_area = 0,\
- ((gx_device_X *)(dev))->up_count = 0
- #define update_flush(dev)\
- if ( ((gx_device_X *)(dev))->up_area != 0 ) update_do_flush(dev)
- private void update_do_flush(P1(gx_device *));
- private void x_send_event(P2(gx_device *, Atom));
- /* Procedures */
- extern int gdev_x_open(P1(gx_device_X *));
- private dev_proc_open_device(x_open);
- private dev_proc_get_initial_matrix(x_get_initial_matrix);
- private dev_proc_sync_output(x_sync);
- private dev_proc_output_page(x_output_page);
- private dev_proc_close_device(x_close);
- private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(x_map_rgb_color);
- private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(x_map_color_rgb);
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(x_fill_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_tile_rectangle(x_tile_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_copy_mono(x_copy_mono);
- private dev_proc_copy_color(x_copy_color);
- private dev_proc_draw_line(x_draw_line);
- private dev_proc_put_props(x_put_props);
- dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(x_get_xfont_procs);
- /* The device descriptor */
- private gx_device_procs x_procs = {
- x_open,
- x_get_initial_matrix,
- x_sync,
- x_output_page,
- x_close,
- x_map_rgb_color,
- x_map_color_rgb,
- x_fill_rectangle,
- x_tile_rectangle,
- x_copy_mono,
- x_copy_color,
- x_draw_line,
- gx_default_get_bits,
- gx_default_get_props,
- x_put_props,
- x_get_xfont_procs
- };
- /* The instance is public. */
- gx_device_X gs_x11_device = {
- sizeof(gx_device_X),
- &x_procs,
- "x11",
- (int)(8.5*FAKE_RES),
- (int)(11*FAKE_RES), /* x and y extent (nominal) */
- FAKE_RES, FAKE_RES, /* x and y density (nominal) */
- no_margins,
- dci_black_and_white,
- 0, /* connection not initialized */
- { /* image */
- 0, 0, /* width, height */
- 0, XYBitmap, NULL, /* xoffset, format, data */
- LSBFirst, 8, /* byte-order, bitmap-unit */
- MSBFirst, 8, 1, /* bitmap-bit-order, bitmap-pad, depth */
- 0, 1, /* bytes_per_line, bits_per_pixel */
- 0, 0, 0, /* red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask */
- NULL, /* *obdata */
- { NULL, /* *(*create_image)() */
- NULL, /* (*destroy_image)() */
- NULL, /* (*get_pixel)() */
- NULL, /* (*put_pixel)() */
- NULL, /* *(*sub_image)() */
- NULL /* (*add_pixel)() */
- },
- },
- NULL, NULL, /* dpy, scr */
- /* (connection not initialized) */
- NULL, /* vinfo */
- (Colormap)None, /* cmap */
- (Window)None, /* win */
- NULL, /* gc */
- (Pixmap)0, /* bpixmap */
- 0, /* ghostview */
- (Window)None, /* mwin */
- #if HaveStdCMap
- NULL, /* std_cmap */
- #endif
- identity_matrix_body, /* initial matrix (filled in) */
- (Atom)0, (Atom)0, (Atom)0, /* Atoms: NEXT, PAGE, DONE */
- { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, /* update, up_area, up_count */
- (Pixmap)0, /* dest */
- 0L, ~0L, /* colors_or, colors_and */
- { /* cp */
- (Pixmap)0, /* pixmap */
- NULL, /* gc */
- -1, -1 /* raster, height */
- },
- { /* ht */
- (Pixmap)None, /* pixmap */
- (Pixmap)None, /* no_pixmap */
- gx_no_bitmap_id, /* id */
- 0, 0, 0, /* width, height, raster */
- 0, 0 /* fore_c, back_c */
- },
- GXcopy, /* function */
- FillSolid, /* fill_style */
- 0, /* font */
- 0, 0, /* back_color, fore_color */
- 0, 0, /* background, foreground */
- NULL, /* dither_colors */
- 0, 0, /* color_mask, half_dev_color */
- NULL, /* dynamic_colors */
- 0, 0, /* dynamic_size, dynamic_number */
- 0, 0, /* borderColor, borderWidth */
- NULL, /* geometry */
- 128, 5, /* maxGrayRamp, maxRGBRamp */
- NULL, /* palette */
- NULL, NULL, NULL, /* regularFonts, symbolFonts, dingbatFonts */
- NULL, NULL, NULL, /* regular_fonts, symbol_fonts, dingbat_fonts */
- 1, 1, 0, /* useXFonts, useScalableFonts, logXFonts */
- 10.0, /* xFontTolerance */
- 0.0, 0.0, /* xResolution, yResolution */
- 1, /* useBackingPixmap */
- 1, 1, /* useXPutImage, useXSetTile */
- };
- /* If XPutImage doesn't work, do it ourselves. */
- private void alt_put_image();
- #define put_image(dpy,win,gc,im,sx,sy,x,y,w,h)\
- if ( xdev->useXPutImage) XPutImage(dpy,win,gc,im,sx,sy,x,y,w,h);\
- else alt_put_image(dev,dpy,win,gc,im,sx,sy,x,y,w,h)
- /* Open the device. Most of the code is in gdevxini.c. */
- private int
- x_open(gx_device *dev)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- int code = gdev_x_open(xdev);
- if (code < 0) return code;
- update_init(dev);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the device. */
- private int
- x_close(gx_device *dev)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- if (xdev->ghostview) x_send_event(dev, xdev->done);
- if (xdev->vinfo) {
- XFree(xdev->vinfo);
- xdev->vinfo = NULL;
- }
- if (xdev->dither_colors) {
- if (gx_device_has_color(xdev))
- gs_free((char *)xdev->dither_colors, sizeof(x_pixel),
- xdev->color_info.dither_gray, "gdev_x_gray_ramp");
- else
- gs_free((char *)xdev->dither_colors, sizeof(x_pixel),
- xdev->color_info.dither_rgb, "gdev_x_rgb_cube");
- xdev->dither_colors = NULL;
- }
- if (xdev->dynamic_colors) {
- gs_free((char *)xdev->dynamic_colors, sizeof(XColor),
- xdev->dynamic_size, "gdev_x_dynamic_colors");
- xdev->dynamic_colors = NULL;
- }
- while (xdev->regular_fonts) {
- x11fontmap *font = xdev->regular_fonts;
- xdev->regular_fonts = font->next;
- if (font->std_names) XFreeFontNames(font->std_names);
- if (font->iso_names) XFreeFontNames(font->iso_names);
- gs_free(font->x11_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->x11_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_x11name");
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- }
- while (xdev->symbol_fonts) {
- x11fontmap *font = xdev->symbol_fonts;
- xdev->symbol_fonts = font->next;
- if (font->std_names) XFreeFontNames(font->std_names);
- if (font->iso_names) XFreeFontNames(font->iso_names);
- gs_free(font->x11_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->x11_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_x11name");
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- }
- while (xdev->dingbat_fonts) {
- x11fontmap *font = xdev->dingbat_fonts;
- xdev->dingbat_fonts = font->next;
- if (font->std_names) XFreeFontNames(font->std_names);
- if (font->iso_names) XFreeFontNames(font->iso_names);
- gs_free(font->x11_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->x11_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_x11name");
- gs_free(font->ps_name, sizeof(char), strlen(font->ps_name)+1,
- "gdev_x_font_psname");
- gs_free((char *)font, sizeof(x11fontmap), 1, "gdev_x_fontmap");
- }
- XCloseDisplay(xdev->dpy);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Map a color. The "device colors" are just r,g,b packed together. */
- private gx_color_index
- x_map_rgb_color(register gx_device *dev,
- gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g, gx_color_value b)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- unsigned short dr = r & xdev->color_mask; /* Nearest color that */
- unsigned short dg = g & xdev->color_mask; /* the X device can */
- unsigned short db = b & xdev->color_mask; /* represent */
- /* foreground and background get special treatment */
- /* They maybe mapped to other colors. */
- #define cv_max (gx_max_color_value & xdev->color_mask)
- if (dr == 0 && dg == 0 && db == 0) {
- return xdev->foreground;
- }
- if (dr == cv_max && dg == cv_max && db == cv_max) {
- return xdev->background;
- }
- #define cv_denom (gx_max_color_value + 1)
- #if HaveStdCMap
- /* check the standard colormap first */
- if (xdev->std_cmap) {
- XStandardColormap *cmap = xdev->std_cmap;
- if (gx_device_has_color(xdev)) {
- unsigned short cr, cg, cb; /* rgb cube indices */
- unsigned short cvr, cvg, cvb; /* color value on cube */
- cr = r * (cmap->red_max + 1) / cv_denom;
- cg = g * (cmap->green_max + 1) / cv_denom;
- cb = b * (cmap->blue_max + 1) / cv_denom;
- cvr = (0xffff * cr / cmap->red_max);
- cvg = (0xffff * cg / cmap->green_max);
- cvb = (0xffff * cb / cmap->blue_max);
- if (abs((int)r - (int)cvr) < xdev->half_dev_color &&
- abs((int)g - (int)cvg) < xdev->half_dev_color &&
- abs((int)b - (int)cvb) < xdev->half_dev_color)
- return cr * cmap->red_mult + cg * cmap->green_mult +
- cb * cmap->blue_mult + cmap->base_pixel;
- } else {
- unsigned short cr;
- unsigned short cvr;
- cr = r * (xdev->color_info.max_gray + 1) / cv_denom;
- cvr = (0xffff * cr / cmap->red_max);
- if (abs((int)r - (int)cvr) < xdev->half_dev_color)
- return cr * cmap->red_mult + cmap->base_pixel;
- }
- } else
- #endif
- /* If there is no standard colormap, check the dither cube/ramp */
- if (xdev->dither_colors) {
- if (gx_device_has_color(xdev)) {
- unsigned short cr, cg, cb; /* rgb cube indices */
- unsigned short cvr, cvg, cvb; /* color value on cube */
- #define max_rgb (xdev->color_info.dither_rgb - 1)
- cr = r * (xdev->color_info.dither_rgb) / cv_denom;
- cg = g * (xdev->color_info.dither_rgb) / cv_denom;
- cb = b * (xdev->color_info.dither_rgb) / cv_denom;
- cvr = (0xffff * cr / max_rgb);
- cvg = (0xffff * cg / max_rgb);
- cvb = (0xffff * cb / max_rgb);
- if (abs((int)r - (int)cvr) < xdev->half_dev_color &&
- abs((int)g - (int)cvg) < xdev->half_dev_color &&
- abs((int)b - (int)cvb) < xdev->half_dev_color) {
- return xdev->dither_colors[cube_index(cr, cg, cb)];
- }
- #undef max_rgb
- } else {
- unsigned short cr;
- unsigned short cvr;
- #define max_gray (xdev->color_info.dither_gray - 1)
- cr = r * (xdev->color_info.dither_gray) / cv_denom;
- cvr = (0xffff * cr / max_gray) & xdev->color_mask;
- if (abs((int)r - (int)cvr) < xdev->half_dev_color)
- return xdev->dither_colors[cr];
- #undef max_gray
- }
- }
- #undef cv_denom
- /* Finally look through the list of dynamic colors */
- if (xdev->dynamic_colors) {
- int i;
- XColor *xcp = xdev->dynamic_colors;
- XColor xc;
- for (i = 0; i < xdev->dynamic_number; xcp++, i++) {
- if (xcp->red == dr && xcp->green == dg && xcp->blue == db) {
- return xcp->pixel;
- }
- }
- /* If not in our list of dynamic colors, ask the X server and */
- /* add an entry if there is room. */
- xc.red = dr;
- xc.green = dg;
- xc.blue = db;
- if (XAllocColor(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap, &xc)) {
- if (xdev->dynamic_number < xdev->dynamic_size) {
- xcp->red = dr;
- xcp->green = dg;
- xcp->blue = db;
- xcp->pixel = xc.pixel;
- xdev->dynamic_number++;
- }
- return xc.pixel;
- } else {
- return gx_no_color_index;
- }
- }
- return gx_no_color_index;
- }
- /* Map a "device color" back to r-g-b. */
- /* This doesn't happed often, so we just ask the display */
- /* Foreground and background be mapped to other colors, so */
- /* they are handled specially. */
- private int
- x_map_color_rgb(register gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- if (color == xdev->foreground)
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = 0;
- else if (color == xdev->background)
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = gx_max_color_value;
- else {
- XColor xc;
- xc.pixel = color;
- XQueryColor(xdev->dpy, xdev->cmap, &xc);
- prgb[0] = xc.red;
- prgb[1] = xc.green;
- prgb[2] = xc.blue;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Get initial matrix for X device */
- private void
- x_get_initial_matrix(register gx_device *dev, register gs_matrix *pmat)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- pmat->xx = xdev->initial_matrix.xx;
- pmat->xy = xdev->initial_matrix.xy;
- pmat->yx = xdev->initial_matrix.yx;
- pmat->yy = xdev->initial_matrix.yy;
- pmat->tx = xdev->initial_matrix.tx;
- pmat->ty = xdev->initial_matrix.ty;
- }
- /* Synchronize the display with the commands already given */
- private int
- x_sync(register gx_device *dev)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- update_flush(dev);
- XSync(xdev->dpy, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Send event to ghostview process */
- private void
- x_send_event(gx_device *dev, Atom msg)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- XEvent event;
- event.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
- event.xclient.display = xdev->dpy;
- event.xclient.window = xdev->win;
- event.xclient.message_type = msg;
- event.xclient.format = 32;
- event.xclient.data.l[0] = xdev->mwin;
- event.xclient.data.l[1] = xdev->dest;
- XSendEvent(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, False, 0, &event);
- }
- /* Output "page" */
- private int
- x_output_page(gx_device *dev, int num_copies, int flush)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- x_sync(dev);
- /* Send ghostview a "page" client event */
- /* Wait for a "next" client event */
- if (xdev->ghostview) {
- XEvent event;
- x_send_event(dev, xdev->page);
- XNextEvent(xdev->dpy, &event);
- while (event.type != ClientMessage ||
- event.xclient.message_type != xdev->next) {
- XNextEvent(xdev->dpy, &event);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
- private int
- x_fill_rectangle(register gx_device *dev,
- int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
- set_fill_style(FillSolid);
- set_fore_color(color);
- set_function(GXcopy);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, x, y, w, h);
- /* If we are filling the entire screen, reset */
- /* colors_or and colors_and. It's wasteful to do this */
- /* on every operation, but there's no separate driver routine */
- /* for erasepage (yet). */
- if (x == 0 && y == 0 && w == xdev->width && h == xdev->height) {
- xdev->colors_or = xdev->colors_and = color;
- }
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- x_update_add(dev, x, y, w, h);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (gs_debug['F'])
- dprintf5("[F] fill (%d,%d):(%d,%d) %ld\n",
- x, y, w, h, (long)color);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Tile a rectangle. */
- private int
- x_tile_rectangle(register gx_device *dev, const gx_bitmap *tile,
- int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one,
- int px, int py)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
- /* Check for a colored tile. We should implement this */
- /* properly someday, since X can handle it. */
- if (one == gx_no_color_index && zero == gx_no_color_index)
- return -1;
- /* For the moment, give up if the phase is non-zero. */
- if (px | py)
- return -1;
- /*
- * Remember, an X tile is already filled with particular
- * pixel values (i.e., colors). Therefore if we are changing
- * fore/background color, we must invalidate the tile (using
- * the same technique as in set_tile). This problem only
- * bites when using grayscale -- you may want to change
- * fg/bg but use the same halftone screen.
- */
- if ((zero != xdev->ht.back_c) || (one != xdev->ht.fore_c))
- xdev->ht.id = ~tile->id; /* force reload */
- set_back_color(zero);
- set_fore_color(one);
- if (!set_tile(dev, tile)) {
- /* Bad news. Fall back to the default algorithm. */
- return gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, w, h,
- zero, one, px, py);
- } else { /* Use the tile to fill the rectangle */
- set_fill_style(FillTiled);
- set_function(GXcopy);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, x, y, w, h);
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- x_update_add(dev, x, y, w, h);
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (gs_debug['F'])
- dprintf6("[F] tile (%d,%d):(%d,%d) %ld,%ld\n",
- x, y, w, h, (long)zero, (long)one);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set up with a specified tile. */
- /* Return false if we can't do it for some reason. */
- private int
- set_tile(register gx_device *dev, register const gx_bitmap *tile)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (gs_debug['T'])
- return 0;
- #endif
- if (tile->id == xdev->ht.id && tile->id != gx_no_bitmap_id)
- return xdev->useXSetTile;
- /* Set up the tile Pixmap */
- if (tile->size.x != xdev->ht.width ||
- tile->size.y != xdev->ht.height ||
- xdev->ht.pixmap == (Pixmap) 0) {
- if (xdev->ht.pixmap != (Pixmap) 0)
- XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->ht.pixmap);
- xdev->ht.pixmap = XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win,
- tile->size.x, tile->size.y,
- xdev->vinfo->depth);
- if (xdev->ht.pixmap == (Pixmap) 0)
- return 0;
- xdev->ht.width = tile->size.x, xdev->ht.height = tile->size.y;
- xdev->ht.raster = tile->raster;
- }
- xdev->ht.fore_c = xdev->fore_color;
- xdev->ht.back_c = xdev->back_color;
- /* Copy the tile into the Pixmap */
- xdev->image.data = (char *)tile->data;
- xdev->image.width = tile->size.x;
- xdev->image.height = tile->size.y;
- xdev->image.bytes_per_line = tile->raster;
- xdev->image.format = XYBitmap;
- set_fill_style(FillSolid);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (gs_debug['H']) {
- int i;
- dprintf4("[H] 0x%x: width=%d height=%d raster=%d\n",
- tile->data, tile->size.x, tile->size.y, tile->raster);
- for (i = 0; i < tile->raster * tile->size.y; i++)
- dprintf1(" %02x", tile->data[i]);
- dputc('\n');
- }
- #endif
- XSetTile(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->ht.no_pixmap); /* *** X bug *** */
- set_function(GXcopy);
- put_image(xdev->dpy, xdev->ht.pixmap, xdev->gc, &xdev->image,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, tile->size.x, tile->size.y);
- XSetTile(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->ht.pixmap);
- xdev->ht.id = tile->id;
- return xdev->useXSetTile;
- }
- /* Copy a monochrome bitmap. */
- private int
- x_copy_mono(register gx_device *dev,
- const byte *base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
- /*
- * X doesn't directly support the simple operation of writing a color
- * through a mask specified by an image. The plot is the following:
- * If neither color is gx_no_color_index ("transparent"),
- * use XPutImage with the "copy" function as usual.
- * If the color either bitwise-includes or is bitwise-included-in
- * every color written to date
- * (a special optimization for writing black/white on color displays),
- * use XPutImage with an appropriate Boolean function.
- * Otherwise, do the following complicated stuff:
- * Create pixmap of depth 1 if necessary.
- * If foreground color is "transparent" then
- * invert the raster data.
- * Use XPutImage to copy the raster image to the newly
- * created Pixmap.
- * Install the Pixmap as the clip_mask in the X GC and
- * tweak the clip origin.
- * Do an XFillRectangle, fill style=solid, specifying a
- * rectangle the same size as the original raster data.
- * De-install the clip_mask.
- */
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- int function = GXcopy;
- x_pixel
- bc = zero,
- fc = one;
- fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
- xdev->image.width = raster << 3;
- xdev->image.height = h;
- xdev->image.data = (char *)base;
- xdev->image.bytes_per_line = raster;
- set_fill_style(FillSolid);
- /* Check for null, easy 1-color, hard 1-color, and 2-color cases. */
- if (zero != gx_no_color_index) {
- if (one != gx_no_color_index) {
- /* 2-color case. */
- /* Simply replace existing bits with what's in the image. */
- } else if (!(~xdev->colors_and & bc)) {
- function = GXand;
- fc = ~(x_pixel) 0;
- } else if (!(~bc & xdev->colors_or)) {
- function = GXor;
- fc = 0;
- } else {
- goto hard;
- }
- } else {
- if (one == gx_no_color_index) { /* no-op */
- return 0;
- } else if (!(~xdev->colors_and & fc)) {
- function = GXand;
- bc = ~(x_pixel) 0;
- } else if (!(~fc & xdev->colors_or)) {
- function = GXor;
- bc = 0;
- } else {
- goto hard;
- }
- }
- xdev->image.format = XYBitmap;
- set_function(function);
- if (bc != xdev->back_color) {
- XSetBackground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (xdev->back_color = bc));
- }
- if (fc != xdev->fore_color) {
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (xdev->fore_color = fc));
- }
- if (zero != gx_no_color_index)
- note_color(zero);
- if (one != gx_no_color_index)
- note_color(one);
- put_image(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, &xdev->image,
- sourcex, 0, x, y, w, h);
- goto out;
- hard: /* Handle the hard 1-color case. */
- if (raster > xdev->cp.raster || h > xdev->cp.height) {
- /* Must allocate a new pixmap and GC. */
- /* Release the old ones first. */
- free_cp(dev);
- /* Create the clipping pixmap, depth must be 1. */
- xdev->cp.pixmap =
- XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, raster << 3, h, 1);
- if (xdev->cp.pixmap == (Pixmap) 0) {
- lprintf("x_copy_mono: can't allocate pixmap\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- xdev->cp.gc = XCreateGC(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.pixmap, 0, 0);
- if (xdev->cp.gc == (GC) 0) {
- lprintf("x_copy_mono: can't allocate GC\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- xdev->cp.raster = raster;
- xdev->cp.height = h;
- }
- /* Initialize static mask image params */
- xdev->image.format = ZPixmap;
- set_function(GXcopy);
- /* Select polarity based on fg/bg transparency. */
- if (one == gx_no_color_index) { /* invert */
- XSetBackground(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.gc, (x_pixel) 1);
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.gc, (x_pixel) 0);
- set_fore_color(zero);
- } else {
- XSetBackground(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.gc, (x_pixel) 0);
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.gc, (x_pixel) 1);
- set_fore_color(one);
- }
- put_image(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.pixmap, xdev->cp.gc,
- &xdev->image, sourcex, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
- /* Install as clipmask. */
- XSetClipMask(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->cp.pixmap);
- XSetClipOrigin(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, x, y);
- /*
- * Draw a solid rectangle through the raster clip mask.
- * Note fill style is guaranteed to be solid from above.
- */
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, x, y, w, h);
- /* Tidy up. Free the pixmap if it's big. */
- XSetClipMask(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, None);
- if (raster * h > max_temp_pixmap)
- free_cp(dev);
- out:if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- /* We wrote to the pixmap, so update the display now. */
- x_update_add(dev, x, y, w, h);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Internal routine to free the GC and pixmap used for copying. */
- private void
- free_cp(register gx_device *dev)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- if (xdev->cp.gc != NULL) {
- XFreeGC(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.gc);
- xdev->cp.gc = NULL;
- }
- if (xdev->cp.pixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->cp.pixmap);
- xdev->cp.pixmap = (Pixmap) 0;
- }
- xdev->cp.raster = -1; /* mark as unallocated */
- }
- /* Copy a "color" bitmap. Since "color" is the same as monochrome, */
- /* this just reduces to copying a monochrome bitmap. */
- /* Fortunately, no one uses it at the moment. */
- private int
- x_copy_color(register gx_device *dev,
- const byte *base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- return x_copy_mono(dev, base, sourcex, raster, id, x, y, w, h,
- xdev->foreground, xdev->background);
- }
- /* Draw a line */
- private int
- x_draw_line(register gx_device *dev,
- int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, gx_color_index color)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- set_fore_color(color);
- set_fill_style(FillSolid);
- set_function(GXcopy);
- XDrawLine(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, x0, y0, x1, y1);
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- int x = x0, y = y0, w = x1 - x0, h = y1 - y0;
- if (w < 0) x = x1, w = -w;
- if (h < 0) y = y1, h = -h;
- w++;
- h++;
- fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
- x_update_add(dev, x, y, w, h);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set the device properties. We reimplement this so we can resize */
- /* the window and avoid closing and reopening the device. */
- private const gs_prop_item x_props[] =
- {
- prop_def("HWResolution", prt_float_array),
- prop_def("HWSize", prt_int_array),
- /* Slots for arrays */
- prop_float, prop_float,
- prop_int, prop_int,
- };
- private int
- x_put_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- gs_prop_item *known[2];
- int code = 0;
- gx_device_X temp_dev;
- temp_dev = *xdev;
- props_extract(plist, count, x_props, 2, known, 0);
- if (known[1] != 0) {
- if (known[1]->value.a.size != 2)
- known[1]->status = pv_typecheck,
- code = gs_error_typecheck;
- else {
- gs_prop_item *ap = known[1]->value.a.p.v;
- if (ap[0].value.i <= 0 || ap[0].value.i > 0x7fff ||
- ap[1].value.i <= 0 || ap[1].value.i > 0x7fff)
- known[1]->status = pv_rangecheck,
- code = gs_error_rangecheck;
- else {
- temp_dev.width = ap[0].value.i;
- temp_dev.height = ap[1].value.i;
- }
- }
- }
- if (known[0] != 0) {
- if (known[0]->value.a.size != 2)
- known[0]->status = pv_typecheck,
- code = gs_error_typecheck;
- else {
- gs_prop_item *ap = known[0]->value.a.p.v;
- if (ap[0].value.f <= 0 || ap[1].value.f <= 0)
- known[0]->status = pv_rangecheck,
- code = gs_error_rangecheck;
- else {
- temp_dev.x_pixels_per_inch = ap[0].value.f;
- temp_dev.y_pixels_per_inch = ap[1].value.f;
- }
- }
- }
- if (code < 0) return_error(code);
- dev->x_pixels_per_inch = temp_dev.x_pixels_per_inch;
- dev->y_pixels_per_inch = temp_dev.y_pixels_per_inch;
- dev->width = temp_dev.width;
- dev->height = temp_dev.height;
- /* If the device is open, resize the window. */
- /* Don't do this if Ghostview is active. */
- if (dev->is_open && (known[0] != 0 || known[1] != 0) && !xdev->ghostview) {
- XResizeWindow(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, dev->width, dev->height);
- if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
- XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->bpixmap);
- xdev->bpixmap = (Pixmap) 0;
- }
- xdev->dest = 0;
- gdev_x_clear_window(xdev);
- }
- return gx_default_put_props(dev, plist, count);
- }
- /* ------ Screen update procedures ------ */
- /* Flush updates to the screen if needed. */
- private void
- update_do_flush(register gx_device *dev)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- int xo = xdev->update.xo, yo = xdev->update.yo;
- set_function(GXcopy);
- XCopyArea(xdev->dpy, xdev->bpixmap, xdev->win, xdev->gc,
- xo, yo, xdev->update.xe - xo, xdev->update.ye - yo,
- xo, yo);
- update_init(dev);
- }
- /* Add a region to be updated. */
- /* This is only called if xdev->bpixmap != 0. */
- void
- x_update_add(register gx_device *dev, int xo, int yo, int w, int h)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- int xe = xo + w, ye = yo + h;
- long new_area = (long)w * h;
- ++xdev->up_count;
- if (xdev->up_area != 0) { /* See whether adding this rectangle */
- /* would result in too much being copied unnecessarily. */
- long old_area = xdev->up_area;
- long new_up_area;
- rect u;
- u.xo = min(xo, xdev->update.xo);
- u.yo = min(yo, xdev->update.yo);
- u.xe = max(xe, xdev->update.xe);
- u.ye = max(ye, xdev->update.ye);
- new_up_area = (long)(u.xe - u.xo) * (u.ye - u.yo);
- if (new_up_area > 100 &&
- old_area + new_area < new_up_area * 2 / 3 ||
- xdev->up_count >= 200)
- update_do_flush(dev);
- else {
- xdev->update = u;
- xdev->up_area = new_up_area;
- return;
- }
- }
- xdev->update.xo = xo;
- xdev->update.yo = yo;
- xdev->update.xe = xe;
- xdev->update.ye = ye;
- xdev->up_area = new_area;
- }
- /* ------ Internal procedures ------ */
- /* Substitute for XPutImage using XFillRectangle. */
- /* This is a total hack to get around an apparent bug */
- /* in some X servers. It only works with the specific */
- /* parameters (bit/byte order, padding) used above. */
- private void
- alt_put_image(gx_device *dev, Display *dpy, Drawable win, GC gc,
- XImage *pi, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, unsigned w, unsigned h)
- {
- gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;
- int raster = pi->bytes_per_line;
- byte *data = (byte *) pi->data + sy * raster + (sx >> 3);
- int init_mask = 0x80 >> (sx & 7);
- int invert = 0;
- int yi;
- #define nrects 40
- XRectangle rects[nrects];
- XRectangle *rp = rects;
- XGCValues gcv;
- XGetGCValues(dpy, gc, (GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground), &gcv);
- if (gcv.function == GXcopy) {
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, gcv.background);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, dx, dy, w, h);
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, gcv.foreground);
- } else if (gcv.function == GXand) {
- if (gcv.background != ~(x_pixel) 0) {
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, gcv.background);
- invert = 0xff;
- }
- } else if (gcv.function == GXor) {
- if (gcv.background != 0) {
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, gcv.background);
- invert = 0xff;
- }
- } else {
- lprintf("alt_put_image: unimplemented function.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- for (yi = 0; yi < h; yi++, data += raster) {
- register int mask = init_mask;
- register byte *dp = data;
- register int xi = 0;
- while (xi < w) {
- if ((*dp ^ invert) & mask) {
- int xleft = xi;
- if (rp == &rects[nrects]) {
- XFillRectangles(dpy, win, gc, rects, nrects);
- rp = rects;
- }
- /* Scan over a run of 1-bits */
- rp->x = dx + xi, rp->y = dy + yi;
- do {
- if (!(mask >>= 1))
- mask = 0x80, dp++;
- xi++;
- } while (xi < w && (*dp & mask));
- rp->width = xi - xleft, rp->height = 1;
- rp++;
- } else {
- if (!(mask >>= 1))
- mask = 0x80, dp++;
- xi++;
- }
- }
- }
- XFillRectangles(dpy, win, gc, rects, rp - rects);
- if (invert) XSetForeground(dpy, gc, gcv.foreground);
- }